Cool Forgotten Weapons Merch!
Even during World War Two, it was clear that the United States was interested in improving on the M1 Garand rifle. A company that could develop and update to the Garand to make it selective-fire and feed from a box magazine would be in a great position to sell the government a ton of rifles, and everyone knew it. These two rifles illustrate some of the Winchester company’s efforts in that realm.
Thanks to the Cody Firearms Museum for allowing me access to film these! Check them out here:
5 months ago 00:01:00 1
🔰 Треугольный бронежилет - НЕ ПРОБИТЬ ⁉️ #эксперимент #интересно #необычно
8 months ago 00:01:00 1
💥 Самый БОЛЬШОЙ дробовик в мире против сейфа с оружием #эксперимент #стрельбище #необычно
2 years ago 00:04:27 1
dean & john winchester - destroyer
3 years ago 00:03:36 1
Эксперимент доказывающий, насколько легко манипулировать людьми. Стадное поведение.
3 years ago 00:15:25 8
Winchester Experimental Mag-Fed Garands
3 years ago 00:12:30 2
Prototype Winchester WW1 .50 Cal Antitank Rifle
4 years ago 00:05:49 1
Berger Repeating Pistol
4 years ago 00:05:26 1
Стоит ли переплачивать за саженцы роз? Эксперимент с английскими розами.