Alkuharmonian Kantaja - Shadowy Peripherals (Demo) (full album, 2022)
First released last year through Korpituli Productions and I Voidhanger last year, this album was a regular feature on my stereo, with its subversively avant garde old school darkness, dramatic compositions and eerily clean vocal performance.
During the production of this album, the band recorded a number of demo versions of the songs with a much rawer production than the versions which made the final album. Now Alkuharmonian Kantaja (“The one who carries the original harmony“) release a version taken from the raw session archive that shows a different perspective into the tracks, that is simultaneously more aggressive, nastier, yet even more ethereal and detached, like a wraith conducting an orchestra of bones; this is an umbral, ghastlier vision that recalls Urfaust, Cultes de Ghoules, Funerary Bell and other theatrically composed, yet seriously grim spectral occultists.
A worthwhile endeavour to release this new version that adds an interesting complementary listen to the original’
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3 years ago 00:40:46 1
Alkuharmonian Kantaja - Shadowy Peripherals (Demo) (full album, 2022)
3 years ago 00:41:31 1
Alkuharmonian Kantaja - Shadowy Peripherals (full album, 2021)