[Eng] 执一念 (Grasping a thought) - 黄龄 | Till the End of the Moon OST 长月烬明 MV

First time creating a MV without particularly trying to match the lyrics and the scenes! Well, except maybe a bit at the last part. This song is basically about grasping tightly to the thought of going against fate, breaking out of despair and separation. 无边夜色 靠近 The endless night draws close 浓墨染过 身影 Thick ink dyes my silhouette 无数风声 低语 The murmurs of countless voices (风声 can mean the sound of the wind or rumours/ voices) 听不清 悬而未决的命运 Makes me unable to hear the unresolved destiny clearly 失去的都已是曾经 What was lost is now the past 暗月蒙住眼睛 The hazy moon veils the eyes 明天该往何处找寻 Just where can I find tomor
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