Kettlebell pentathlon

Kettlebell pentathlon was invented by Valery Fedorenko in 2013 RULES Here are the basic mechanics of it. There are 5 disciplines performed in a set order. The 5 disciplines are : Clean Long cycle press (clean and press) Jerk Half snatch Strict Push press The important principles : Each discipline is carried out for 6 minutes Multiple hand changes are allowed There is a 5-minute break after each discipline There is a maximum repetition (rep) count for each discipline. These are only maximums and a sub-maximum number will not be penalised. The maximum rep counts are as follows. These are deemed as realistic numbers that can be achieved within the given time constraints and with good form. No additional points are scored for reps over the preset maximum. Cleans : 120 reps Long cycle press : 60 reps Jerks : 120 reps Half snatch : 108 reps strict Push press : 120 reps The competitors are allowed to choose a maximum of 5 different w
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