Granata Est Regnum Milleniale Pt 1: Aseer The Duke of Tiers

FOR DONATIONS VIA : $DS418 FOR DONATIONS VIA :: dukeoftiers@ (type Aseer the Duke Tiers in the search) Facebook: Aseer Ali Cordoba Granata Erat Regnum Milleniale translates to Granada was the Millennial Kingdom Moors are the descendants of the Golden Empire aka the Millenial Kingdom spoken of in the Amharic texts, Apocryphas, etc. Moorish Science is the basis of much ancient thought and biblical espousals. Thesis why the Moorish Empire was buried and thrown into the dismal crypt by the dirty Moors of old and their freemason puppets. Moors are Islamic, yet not specifically Muslim, Moors were (are) many faiths, yet they placed Knowledge above all. Preterism holds that the contents of Revelation constitute a prophecy of events that were fulfilled in the 1st century. Preterist
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