Panantukan Neck Clinch Escape | Sean Elders

This Neck Clinch Escape is a part of a larger idea of responding right away to someone crabbing the neck to drive a dangerous close quarter strike like the Elbow or headbutt. This video combines the hubud and the neck tie up to adaptation and flow of Panantukan. There are three different types of neck clinch escapes to learn in this video, and 2 natural energy drills to work off of. These Escapes are essential to any neck grab situation. The idea is to break in and out of each clinch and return an attack, which help keep the flow of this exercise going. Find out how you can learn directly from the Sean Elders through his Training Courses, Online Classes, Online University, and Live Class 3 days a week. Visit: ​​​​​​ Fayzed - Hard Times
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