FormCutter v2.5 | New Updates

3DS MAXScript Version Requirement: 3ds Max 2017-2022 ☰ What is FormCutter? It is used to cut inward or outward in objects along a freehand path that you draw with the tool and provides various ways to do so. FormCutter covers a range of uses, from quick ideation to final output, to developing interactive projects and playing with your ideas, including a few options to help you to improve the aesthetics of your designs. ☰ Features ● Minimalist UI with new many types of icons. ● Automatic layout controls in rows and columns when user resizes the UI. ● Docking UI type: floater, top, left, bottom, right. ● Radial Menu. ● Actions cut type: cut, split, add, carve, extract, draw; ● Draw cut shapes type: circle, box, ngon and mesh. ● Draw cut shapes on the surface of the mesh or on screen view. ● Multi drawing shapes. ● Interactive tools: collapse, symmetry, chamfer, shell, pivot, variable round. ● Mirror drawing shapes in 2D axis in local or world spac
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