Badi Assad, The Being Between, DVD Celebrating 20 years of music

Comecei a compor esta canção quando estava morando nos Estados Unidos, tendo como inspiração o século XXI que chegava. É ele (o século em si) o príncipe que cito na letra. Todavia... demorei muito para terminá-la e assim ela ficou aguardando. Alguns anos depois minha primeira e única filha, Sofia, nasceu e OBVIAMENTE, foi ela quem me inspirou a finalizá-la. Diretor: Rodrigo Assad -------- I started to compose this song, when I was living in the US, having as inspiration the 21st century that was coming. It is it (the century itself) the prince that I quote in the letter. However ... it took me a long time to finish it and so it was waiting. A few years later my first and only daughter, Sofia, was born and OBVIOUSLY, it was she who inspired me to finish it.
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