Stick baits designed for sure success under tough situations.
Length:(110mm) Weight:3g
TYPE/Salt in Slow Sinking
DEPTH/Slow Sinking ~
●All Size:Flavor & Salt in Material
Lancetic is a specially designed stick bait that delivers in the toughest conditions and stingiest bodies of water. The flattened head shape reduces unnecessary floating tendencies during twitching or jerking without the need for additional sinkers or weights. It is made to suspend perfectly, while the V-shaped body promotes erratic action. The vertical rib structure allows for an automatic side-to-side action in the pin tail, driving even the most discerning fish to bite against their will.
ハイプレッシャーなフィールドで確実に釣果を出すための要素を詰め込んだスティックベイトがADUSTAの「Lancetick -ランスティック-」だ。フラットなヘッド形状はノーシンカー・ジグヘッド問わず、トゥイッチ・ジャークアクションでの浮き上がりを制御し、レンジキープしやすい設計。そして左右への旋回を助長するV字断面形状。テール付近に配置した縦リブ構造は、ピンテールの左右への自発的アクションを生み出し、ハイプレッシャーにより神経質になっている対象魚にも思わず口を使わせる。
The tail structure lends itself to spontaneous movement.
The combination of the vertical rib structure and the pin tail creates a lively action with the slightest makes an erratic action on the bottom, causing unsure fish to take a bite.