INVOLUTION exhibition opening at ReCompose Studio, Prague. Artist: Irene Antonez

Short promo video from my second solo exhibition! 🎨 The Involution exhibition is an attempt to promote the forgotten ways of thinking of ourselves as a part of an interconnected whole, celebrating the cooperation between all living beings of any scale or size, and, most importantly, finding a way back to our lost and forgotten roots, and our connection to Mother Nature. 💎 Irene Antonez is a multimedia artist and art educator from Russia, currently living and working in Prague, Czech Republic. Her work of the past three years reflects on the concept of involution through the paintings of microscopic organisms and celebrates the ideas of symbiosis, “plant-thinking“, metamorphosis, and the balanced interconnectedness of all living organisms of any size or scale. Irene Antonez holds two master’s degrees in Fine Art and Future Design from Prague City University. Antonez’s paintings are in private collections in the USA, France, Italy, the Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, and more. Her work has been exhibited in numerous group exhibitions. “Involution“ is her second solo - exhibition. Artist’s Instagram: Video by Marta Zborovska
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