Астрахань /Astrakhan - 1960/70s

Астрахань в конце 1960-х - начале 1970-х годов Astrakhan in the late 1960s and early 1970s Music: Soul Play by Tatiana Burtseva Astrakhan is a historic city of Russia,located in the upper reaches of the Volga River Delta, on eleven islands of the Caspian lowlands. Located some 1411 km from Moscow (by road), Astrakhan is the oldest settlement of the Lower Volga… The original settlement of Astrakhan is believed to have been founded the second half of the 13th century, at a time when the Golden Horde, the medieval state in Eurasia, adopted the religion of Islam,and the Muslim clergy began to receive various privileges from the the 13th-14th centuries, the settlement became an important centre of trade in the Golden Horde. In 1459, the Astrakhan Khanate was formed and Astrakhan, by now a large fortified city, was adopted as their capital..
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