Most Popular Bikes Brands (1945 - 2019) | Data Player
This visualization shows the Top most Popular Bikes Brands based on revenue (in Dollars $) in the world, and their Popularity between the years 1945 and 2019(December). Ranking Data is taken from various Source.
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Bikes that influenced future motorcycle design, often for decades. The 1936 Harley-Davidson EL, for example, established the core elements of heavyweight, cruiser-style motorcycles produced to this day by Harley and its competitors.
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The top bike brands have constantly been on a growth path having a global footprint across continents. Bike companies have focused on innovation, fuel efficiency, features, stylish looks etc. All the companies have a strong distribution network globally and ensure good customer satisfaction through after sales services also. The best bike brands in world include brands like Honda, Yamaha, Here Moto Corp, Bajaj followed by T
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