Mysto & Pizzi Beatmaking Wednesdays - El Director

Download: Title: El Director Twitter: Facebook: Sorry for the late update guys, Here’s another installment of Beatmaking Wednesdays.. So basically we’re making each Beatmaking Wednesday beat from now on available for download through . What we want everyone to do is go get the track and then record a rap, song, video, freestyle, dance, animation or whatever else you can think of and then come back on here on youtube and upload it as a video response! We will then pick the videos we like the most and feature in the next episode with a link to that video so it will give great exposure to whomever is chosen! So go out there, get the track and create something dope and then let us see it so we can let everyone else see it as well :) ! This project is a work in progress but with all of your support we’re sure it will turn into something great! :)
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