Transform Text effect in Adobe Illustrator | Shear Transform & Appearance | Graphic Design

In this 1st episode, we will create some amazing Text effect using Transform option in adobe Illustrator. We will understand how we can create 3 designs using transform we will look at how to apply Gradient to your strokes or outline using appearance option. And lastly we will create a nice perspective text effect using the same tool i.e. Transform option and Shear transform option. So check out the video to watch the step by step process. ▲Episode 01 : Transform Text effect in Adobe Illustrator | Shear Transform & Appearance ▲Episode 02 : Transform Text effect in Adobe Illustrator | Rotate Angle , Scale & Move ▲Text Effect Tutorials Playlist: ▲Wave Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator | Make with Mesh & Transform: ▲Flip Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator | Blending, Reflect & Gradient: ▲Pattern Te
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