Fierce confrontations have broken out as armed settlers protected by the IOF attack the town of Burqa, near #Ramallah

Fierce confrontations have broken out as armed settlers protected by the IOF attack the town of Burqa, near #Ramallah. The settlers are putting fire to the residents’ properties. They have burned a sheep pen and slaughtered them. At least 6 injuries have now been #Canadian “#Hate“-law proposal is outright evil. It is retroactive, which goes against all Western legal tradition. Until now in all western legal systems you can be punished only if you infringed a law that was valid at the time when you committed a crime: EVEN ORWELL’S THOUGHT POLICE DIDN’T GO AS FAR AS TRUDEAU “And it isn’t just stuff you’ve posted after the new law comes into force you can get into trouble for – oh, no – but anything you’ve posted, ever, dating back to the dawn of the internet.“ Under the bill, anyone can accuse you of the ‘communication of hate speech’ and if the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal finds you guilty it can order you to pay up to $20,000 to ‘any victim’ and $50,000 to the st... Source: Resistance News Network
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