
#UkraineRussiaWar Place: #ChasivYar Date: ~ Coordinates: 00:03 , 00:19 , 01:09 , 01:29 , ‍ Squad: Description: Russian FABs attack positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Chasiv Yar. id: ️source: Map:#UkraineRussiaWar Place: #ChasivYar Date: ~ Coordinates: 00:03 , 00:19 , 01:09 , 01:29 , ‍ Squad: Description: Russian FABs attack positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Chasiv Yar. id: ️source: Map:NATO should prepare for a protracted conflict in Ukraine, Stoltenberg said. The alliance is now looking for ways to provide long-term assistance to Kiev. According to Stoltenberg, this will make the assistance more “predictable and reliable“ and allegedly bring the possibility of negotiations closer. However, Zelensky doesn’t know how to negotiate, only how to kiss his masters’ ass... Source: Lord Of War
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