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Thsi video was shot in Thailand, in Pattaya city. The video shows the best places to get a Thai massage in Pattaya today. In this video, you will see a walk along Soi 7 and Soi 8, these streets are home to many Thai massage shops that offer all types of massage available in Thailand for a reasonable price.
In the second part of the video, you will see Pattaya life: colorfull Pattaya streets where a lot of Thai girls walk; different Pattaya restaurants where there are always a lot of retirees living in Thailand; as well as hotels in Pattaya, Thai food in Pattaya and many other things to do in Pattaya
0:00 Thai massage shops located on Soi 8 in Pattaya
1:13 Pattaya restaurants
1:44 A walk along Beach Road towards Soi 7
2:05 Thai massage shops located on Soi 7 in Pattaya
3:27 Creziest street in Pattaya - Phatthayasaisong 9
4:02 Foreign man fall in love with Thai woman
4:41 Thai ladies driving a motorbike
5:20 Mathilda restaurant in Pattaya at 2nd Road
6:04 The corner of 2nd Road and Soi Phatthayasaisong 9
6:26 Korean tourists walking with Thai girls along 2nd Road
7:07 Walking through Pattaya streets
7:34 Explorereing Soi New Plaza in Pattaya
8:09 The secrets of Soi Buakhao
8:52 Retirees in Pattaya
9:55 Thai massage shops located on Soi Buakhao
10:38 Foreign retirees relaxing at the Easy Corner restaurant on Soi Buakhao
11:37 Thai women driving motorbikes
11:55 Food Market on Soi Buakhao
12:15 Foreign guy with his Thai girlfriend buying Thai food
12:28 Explorering Buakhao Food Court
12:56 Pattaya main qustion: Who’s that, a boy or a girl?
13:33 A walk through the food court
14:46 Explorering food market on Soi Buakhao
16:13 Baht bus riding alon Beach Road
Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Thailand. This is the Thailand travel vlog 246, latest edited in 2023
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