The Home Assistant project came a long way and currently is the de facto standard for serious home automation. Time to show you my setup. Because, of course, it has some specialties. We will go through nine hurdles and find a solution for each of them. Watching this video might save you valuable time.
Why two boards (options)?
HA Automations or Node-Red?
Installation of HA
Terminal and RSA key
Install HACS
Install File Editor
Install Node-Red Companion and Node-Red WebSocket support
Show containers in HA window
Install ESPHome and create Example sensors
Flash Sonoff S26 Smart Plug
Write data another server
HA Zigbee or Zigbee2MQTT?
My second channel:
ESP32 DevBoard used:
Cheap ESP32 Dev Board:
ESP8266 Dev Board:
Sonoff S26:
Installing Home Assistant:
Enable SSH In Home Assistant:
Install HACS:
Sonoff S26 Code:
HA Binary Sensor Code:
VSCode SSH using RSA Keys:
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00:00 Intro
00:42 Content
01:08 My Setup
02:06 Why two boards (options)?
03:53 HA Automations or Node-Red?
04:24 Installation of HA
04:44 Terminal and RSA key
05:28 Install HACS
06:22 File Editor
06:36 Node-Red Companion and Node-Red WebSocket support
08:56 Show containers in HA window
09:50 Install ESPHome and create Example sensors
12:22 Flash Sonoff S26 Smart Plug
13:15 Write data to another server
13:43 HA Zigbee or Zigbee2MQTT?
14:00 My verdict
15:11 My open pointsShow more