~【ころろ】galaxias! を踊ってみた【9周年】 - Niconico Video sm38581870

Yes, thankyou. It’s about time. Today, 4/15, we celebrated the 9th anniversary of video posting. Wow !!!!! The anniversary video has a mysterious bond that I decided to be cute, I chose from my list (private) that I want to dance! This nostalgic song ... When I watched the original video, it was 10 years ago. Koi. When this video came out, there was a plan to recruit a video of this choreography dance. At that time, I couldn’t ride the wave, so I decided to ride it for more than 10 years. (Late Because it was a planned product, it was a short ver, so I set the shortest record in proportion to the transfer with such a short scale ... I had the illusion that I could do it myself ← By the way, there was a video of dancing in full on a certain video site, but I gave up because it was my first time seeing it. The otaku rate is high, but I’m still trying to dance Don! !! !! !! !! マイリスト mylist/33238840 ころろ 04/14/2021 18:02 Views 476
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