Ύμνος της 4ης Αυγούστου (Hymn of 4th of August) - Anthem of the Metaxas Regime

The 4th of August Regime (Commonly known as “The Metaxas Regime“) was a fascist state that was under the leadership of General Ioannis Metaxas, who ruled the Kingdom of Greece from 1936 until his death, in 1941. The government took his name of the coup made by Metaxas, with the support of King George II, which was carried out on August 4, 1936. The Metaxas Regime shared many of the characteristics of the fascist regimes of the time, including the use of the Roman salute and the “labrys“, a double-edged ax similar to the fasces of Mussolini’s Italy, which served as the Regime symbol. It should also be noted that, shortly after he came to power, Metaxas created “The National Youth Organization“, a youth organization similar to the “Hitler Youth“ of Germany. The main objective of the regime was to lay the foundations for the so-called “Third Hellenic Civilization“ (The two previous Hellenic civilizations were the Ancient Greece and the Byzantine
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