One Dish Dinner - Leech (Lyrics)

LEECH 1st Verse: Someone suffers, someone lies, Someone laughing at your cries. Live your life as a leech. I DON’T HATE YOU FU**IN’ BI**H! Time has killed the pain inside, Feelings, anger and my pride. Live your life as a leech. I DON’T HATE YOU FU**IN’ BI**H! What’s the matter, are you nuts? - Waste my time on empty thoughts. Live your life as a leech. I DON’T HATE YOU FU**IN’ BI**H! What remains do be done? Praying underneath the gun? Live your life as a leech. I DON’T HATE YOU FU**IN’ BI**H! 2nd Verse: Who’s that knocking at my door? I don’t miss you anymore. Live your life as a leech. I DON’T HATE YOU FU**IN’ BI**H! Days so cold and nights so long, Sleepless mind performs this song. Live your life as a leech. I DON’T HATE YOU FU**IN’ BI**H! I sencerely regret That you always drives me mad. Live your
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