Water is life, water is food - Music Video

Water is food Water is life  Save every drop  so nobody is left behind Almost 3 percent of water’s fresh And over 2 billion are water-stressed Due to climate change and urbanization, and rapid growth of the world’s population,  So plan for tomorrow for the sons and daughters More than just bodies, we’re bodies of water, Full of it so it’s our identity So why treat it like it’s our enemy? Make better choices when you’re eating Choose fruit and veg that are in season,  Have a water-friendly diet, eat fresh It uses less water than food that’s processed it’s peace and prosperity So having access that’s a necessity Water is food, water is life Gotta protect it, leave no-one behind Make it flow Protect that H2O Do it that’s the way to go Every drop is a heartbeat let’s rain down Water is food Water is life  Save every drop  so nobody is left behind Water is the source so we need a solution Our rivers shouldn’t be polluted Take part in local clean ups Get vocal speak up! You can make a change, be more than a dreamer You can be a local leader Tell your family and friends about your mission Speak to the people that make the decisions So reduce your food waste,  cos it takes a lot of water to get it to your plate and Rain? store it, collect reuse turn off the taps, so the less we lose! Scarcity means conflict between people So distribution of it should be equal Everyone have easy access Nobody left behind on this planet Make it flow Protect that H2O Do it that’s the way to go Every drop is a heartbeat let’s rain down Water is food Water is life  Save every drop  so nobody is left behind Subscribe! Follow FAO on social media! * Facebook - * Instagram - * LinkedIn - * TikTok - @fao * Twitter - * Weibo - © FAO: #SDGs #Agenda2030 #GlobalGoals
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