Novelty Cars (1930)

No title. A home made sledge-car is demonstrated for the camera. Man sits in a bizarre contraption with slides down a snow covered hill. We see the invention as it moves past the camera. Although it has no wheels, it seems to have some kind of engine at the back. “He takes the motor out of his Lizzie and puts it into his Bob.“ reads an intertitle. C/U of the driver as the engine coughs and splutters behind him. “Down South in Cotton-town, they roll their own.“ M/S of a young black teenager driving a strange small car past the camera. A horse drawn cart is seen in the background. “He made it himself out of mammy’s wash-boiler, pap’s bicycle and the baby’s rattle - “ The boy climbs out of the car and turns the crank handle. C/U of the engine at work. “In Tanktown — the folk are all steamed up over Cy Hawkin’s roadster - -“ M/S of a man standing beside an incredible car which looks like a steam train. Cy starts the engine and climbs in. Steam emerges from a funnel on the front. He shakes ha
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