Marvel’s Blade Trailer

#Marvel #Blade #gametrailer Marvel’s Blade was one of the surprise announcements at the Game Awards 2023, and ho boy did it go down well. In development at Arkane Lyon, of Dishonored and Deathloop fame, it’s set to be an original story based on the Blade comics featuring the now iconic coat and glasses of course. All we’ve had so far on Marvel’s Blade is pretty minimal, but what we do know is sounding very appealing indeed. Third-person, single-player, a mature original story set in Paris. The first trailer is also very cool, so it bodes well especially with Arkane Lyon as the helm. For now, we’ll round up everything we know about Marvel’s Blade. Interestingly, there are no confirmed platforms or a Marvel’s Blade release date as yet. While the release date won’t come as much of a surprise, particularly with Studio/Co-Creative Director Dinga Bakaba saying the team is going to be “silent for a while“ while the team works on the game.
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