Israeli organisation mints coin bearing Trump’s image

(9 May 2018) An Israeli organisation has minted a coin bearing US President Donald Trump’s image to honour the US leader’s decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. The Mikdash Educational Center said on Wednesday that the “Temple Coin“ featured Trump alongside King Cyrus, who 2,500 years ago allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem from their exile in Babylon. Rabbi Mordechai Persoff from the centre told the Associated Press that they wanted to honour Trump on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence. The Mikdash Educational Center has minted 1,000 biblical half-shekel coins tha...t can be purchased with a minimum donation of 50 US dollars. The coin can’t be used as currency. It has a diameter of 50 millimetres. The standard coin, made from pewter and plated with 10 grams of silver, will be sold for 50 US dollars. There is also a limited series of gold-plated coins which will sell for 70 US dollars. Mikdash bills itself as a non-profit edu
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