Inside the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin

The Guinness Storehouse is one of the gems of Dublin and a pride of the irishmen. This is the official museum and showroom of this irish national treasure. For 20€ you can experience everything about the Guinness, from its production process, history of advertising and tasting experience. The building shaped like a gigantic Guinness pint glass goes up to 7 floors which end up with a skyview bar named the Gravity Bar where you can enjoy food, drinks and live music. It is almost guaranteed that you will never taste a Guinness the same way after visiting the Storehouse. I honestly did not like the bitter roasted taste of the Guinness, but after understanding it more I could appreciate its flavour much more. The Guinness has a special balance of flavors that are a blend of hop, malt, yeast and caramel. The yeast used in the brewing has been kept in a safe since the beginning of its creating by Arthur Guinness. This brown beer made from roasted barley is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is br
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