I used PlanetSide 2’s most HATED playstyle to MASTER Infiltrator on Vanu (sorry)
I had about an hour to play and decided to finish the Infiltrator Auraxium with the playstyle everyone seems to say is ruining the game: CQC bolt action sniping. I don’t do it often, especially because I’m terrible at it, I don’t have the physical or mental energy to focus enough to shoot correctly, my hands are messed up and I shake sometimes but ya’know all excuses/skill issues. These clips are kind of bad but it’s a fairly accurate representation of my average sniping attempts. Like the video if you liked it or whatever they say.
Here is a playlist with all of my montages:
Boxplot - Why Try
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#planetside2 #gameplay #connery
13 years ago 00:10:18 1.8K
“I used to“ & “I’m used to“
11 years ago 00:05:11 380
(I used to) vs (I am used to)
9 years ago 00:04:16 48.8K
Gotye, Somebody That I Used To Know - Acapella version