Lots of people have been asking me to give them more information about the helicopter itself, so here’s my first plain information video. In it, I give you a guided tour of my helicopter’s instrument panel, from top to bottom. Airplane pilots will recognize a bunch of the instruments, but there are also a few that are helicopter-only. Keep in mind that this is just an overview -- I don’t go into deep detail about any of the instruments or knobs that I discuss. The video has two parts -- I got a phone call f
4 months ago 00:30:30 1
Рыбалка на Вертолете на Камчатке: Уха, Икра, Медведи и Вулканы! Robinson R44. Пилот Мельников
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🚁 ОБЗОР ВЕРТОЛЁТА EC120 B COLIBRI. Полный разбор на запчасти ☝️