TENNIS: Davis Cup: Britain wins tournament for fourth time running. Perry wins crucial match (1936)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Davis Cup tennis trophy won by Britain for the fourth time running. Perry beats Crawford? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: DAVIS CUP OURS AGAIN ENGLAND: SW London: Wimbledon: EXT CU of Fred Perry (GB) and Jack Crawford (Australia) Gen. view play, Perry serves and wins point. Semi view of Perry serving. Gen. view play, Crawford miss-es smash. Semi view of crowd clapping. Gen. view of Perry serving and play. Semi view Crawford serving. Gen. view play Perry wins smash. Semi view Crawford serves Long view Play, Crawford loses point. Pan. from crowd to play. CU of scoreboard. Gen. view finish of game, Perry jumps net and shakes hands with Crawford. Long view of crowd applauding. Semi view and Cup presentation Pan of English team, CU of Fred Perry. KEYWORDS: Personalities - Sport / Frederick (F
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