Royal family attends Cambridge v. Oxford rugby (1919)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George V and Prince Edward of Wales (future King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor) observe the Cambridge and Oxford inter-varsity rugby match at the Queen’s Club for the first time since 1913 Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Oxford v. Cambridge - His Majesty Attends First Inter-University Rugby Match since 1913, at Queen’s Club ENGLAND: London: West Kensington: Queens Club: EXT SV King shakes hands with captains of Rugby teams on balcony. GV Oxford University Rugby Team sit posing. GV Oxford University Rugby Team stand on pitch posing and then run off. SV scrum in match. King and Prince of Wales sitting in stand watching. SV shot game - teams running after ball. GV Oxford Team stand posing. SV Cambridge University Rugby Team run onto pitch. Stand in background. GV Cambridge team stand posing on the pitch. SV shots s
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