What is Mania and how is it related to Bipolar Disorder?

This video answers the questions: What is mania and how is mania related to bipolar disorder? A manic episode is not the same thing as bipolar disorder. Technically, a manic episode would almost always indicate some sort of mental disorder, but we don’t know which one until we go through their criteria and then look at the criteria for different mental disorders. There are four main criteria for a manic episode and the second criterion (Criterion B) contains the symptom criteria. There are seven symptom criteria. Let’s take a look at Criterion A. It indicates that a manic episode is a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased goal-directed activity or energy. This must last a week and it must be present most of the day nearly every day, unless an individual’s hospitalized, in that case there’s no time limit. Taking a look at criterion B, which is the criterion that contains the symptom criteria for a manic episode. It also s
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