Beethoven: Complete Piano Sonatas Vol. 2

Volume 2 of the Complete Piano Sonatas played by Giovanni Bellucci, contains the Sonatas Op. 22 till Op. 57, roughly named the Middle Period Beethoven (1770-1827). Giovanni Bellucci is one of the most interesting and extraordinary pianists of today. Described by Piero Rattalino as “a force of nature, vast and palpitating”, his playing is highly original, striving to recreate the original impact of the works he is playing: “he takes us back to the Golden Age of the Piano” wrote Le Monde. His recordings, notably with works by Liszt, were showered with prizes such as Diapason d’Or, Choc, Editor’s Choice, CD Maestro etc. Bellucci’s Beethoven is free, with a strong sense of rhetoric and improvisation, adhering nevertheless strictly to the score and its intentions. The result is fresh, exhilarating and illuminating, letting us marvel at the originality and genius of the music. “Exhilarating, a dull of vision..”, as Fanfare wrote enthusiastically about Volume 1. C
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