Walter Veith - The Book Of Hebrews: Substance & Shadow - Chapter 13: Brotherly Love

In chapter 13 Paul looks at our horizontal relationships. These relationships should naturally flow out of our vertical relationship but, as someone once said, “Christ is easy to love once we understand the plan of salvation but the brethren, that is often a different matter.” The love of God towards all of humanity should be our incentive to also love the brethren and also those that are not yet part of the household of God. Donation Options SubscribeStar: Patreon: Other Donation Options: Download All ADMA material: Visit AD Africa Website: Visit AD Africa Online Store: What’s Up Prof languages PLAYLISTS: DUTCH: ENGLISH: GERMAN: PORTUGUESE ROMANIAN: RUSSIAN SERBIAN: SLOVAK Alternative Platforms: Rumble: Bitchute: Ugetube: @ADAfrica Brighteon: Odysee: @Amazing-Discoveries-Africa:5 Soundcloud (Audio ONLY):
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