If some one wants to visit Gilgit-Baltistan in summer season, the route from Mansehra to Balakot to Kaghan to Naran to Babusar top to the main KKH is the best route from May to mid September. The road has nicely been built. Babusar top is situated at an elevation of 13700 feet from mean sea level. In between Naran and Babusar top, there is Lulusar Lake at an altitude of 11320 feet from mean sea level. By going through this road, you can save 3 to 4 hours otherwise if you go through Mansehra to Kohistan to Chilas, you have to travel extra these 3 to 4 hours to reach Gilgit. Travelling through Kaghan Naran VIA Babusar top is very interesting and wonderful are lakes and avalanches on the road at different points
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