DRIVING in LUXEMBOURG, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg I 4K 60fps

I arrived in one of the smallest states in Europe and the World, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. With one of the highest GDPs on the planet, this small mountainous region located between Belgium, France and Germany offers visitors a multitude of attractions to visit, and on this car tour, I pass through the vast majority of them, I hope you enjoy it! !! Route : Route II: 00:00:00 START 00:01:44 LIMPERTSBERG 00:03:38 BELAIR 00:06:22 ADOLPHE BRIDGE 00:06:42 PLATEAU BOURBON 00:07:06 MARTYRS SQUARE 00:08:42 LA PASSERELLE 00:11:10 CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART 00:12:51 LUX TRAIN STATION 00:14:35 DEN ATELIER SÀRL 00:17:37 GARE 00:18:13 PARIS SQUARE 00:20:20 BONNEVOIE 00:20:32 ROTONDES 00:26:00 LA PASSERELLE 00:26:18 VILLE-HAUTE 00:27:52 BOULEVARD ROYAL 00:30:28 GËLLE FRA 00:33:13 MUNICIPAL PARK OF LUXEMBOURG 00:36:32 THEATER SQUARE 00:38
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