Lugansky - Medtner, Forgotten Melodies, , No. 6

Nikolai Medtner (1880-1951) Forgotten Melodies, Op. 38, No. 6, Canzona Serenata (1916-1922) Nikolai Lugansky, 2014 From Moscow Philharmonic Society Medtner, ‘Forgotten Melodies’, “After the expulsion from the Paradise of Art, such as was, for instance, the Renaissance epoch in Italy, or the efflorescence of music in Germany, when artistic creation was in the hands not only of individuals, but of collective forces, not only of geniuses, but whole schools, not of one single generation, but of many - we, exiles scattered all over the world, detached from all heritage and succession, must earn our works of art by hard labour, like miners, and not attempt to pluck them like the flowers of the fields, as we saunter through them.” Nikolai Medtner, “The Muse and the Fashion” (1935), translated by A. Swan
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