Demoman and Soldier engage in a friendly scuffle when suddenly a loud noise from a nearby vehicle interrupts them. What kind of horrors might be hiding inside that van and will they survive the onslaught? ---------------- So yeah 2023 summer update, you know I had to make a video on this and totally not find an excuse to procrastinate even further on AO2F Part 2 Jokes aside, this update has been pretty decent so far If I am being completely honest. Sure it’s not perfect by any means but it seems to me that valve actually cares for once and i can imagine for most tf2 players that’s more than enough. And COME ON... SEALS BRO Either way I hope you enjoy this video and stay tuned for more stuff to come in the near future I seal you soon ---------------- Workshop Items: If you want the map Selbyen to work in SFM follow this guide: [REDACTED] - Blahaj - TF2 Seal (REAL) - ---------------- Music: The Arctic Cruise Level Intro Jingle - A Hat in Time B-Side [Seal the Deal OST] Bon Voyage! - A Hat in Time B-Side [Seal the Deal OST] ---------------- Follow me: Twitter - ---------------- Support me (if you want to ofc xd): Patreon - ---------------- Video statistics: Total amount of frames: 2004 frames Total Render time: 2hrs 17min & 25sec Framerate: 24 fps Resolution: 4k (3840 x 2160p) Depth of field Samples: 128 (1024 for the still renders) Motion blur Samples: Disabled Total amount of shots: 25 (11 still shots) ---------------- Shout out to my patrons @RedZeee , @anyarr and Mr. Soul ----------------
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