HOW TO Handle When Your Kids Have A Hard Crash #snowboarding

The truth about these sports is that crashing is inevitable. It’s how you learn where you need to be positioned on your board, what speed is the sweet spot, how much pop you need. All of it is learned by doing and most of the time you don’t land it first try. Sometimes you do and wad up on a later try on a different jump. The true passion of the sport comes with the willingness to get back up after those crashes and keep going. It’s kind of a sick addiction to show yourself that you are capable. That you can do it. With Cash we have experienced a lot of crashes. Some worse than others. We always run through a full body check, including mentally. She truly loves this as she is the one that decides if she is going again or if it’s time to break. It could be our first run and we have no problem stepping down and calling it a day if she’s not in it mentally or physically. Our first day in LAAX she went big. She saw those jumps and with her success in Verbier, she was fired up. Unfortunately t
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