ESP 32 Connect 5V Relay via Logic Level Converter (ESP32)

ESP 32 is a wifi and bluetooth integrated very powerful chip manufactured by Espressif. This video shows how to use a logic converter to use this chip with a 5v relay. 5V relay needs 5V input, sometimes it works with 3.3 but this is unstable and can not guarantee that it will work always. This video show a stable and proper way to drive 5V relay with ESP 32. ESP 32 has 3.3 v output from its pins. Detailed information about ESP 32: 0:00:50 - Drawing / wrong way to connect relay (Common mistake) 0:01:45 - How to connect 5V relay in a wrong way 0:04:14 - Drawing / correct way to connect relay (with Logic Level Converter) 0:05:50 - How to connect 5V relay with logic level converter To buy ESP32: To buy 5V relay: =sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=5v relay&qid=1595020630&sr=8-4 To buy Logic
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