US warns Europe: “The Russians are coming“.... for Ukraine (FULL SHOW)

The US has issued a new warning to the European Union about a potential invasion of Ukraine from neighboring Russia. According to reports the Russian Armed Forces have increased their military presence along the border with Ukraine, prompting Washington to alert its allies of this alleged buildup. This warning comes at the same time Moscow accuses Washington of a new provocation following the emergence of US warships near the Russian Federation’s territorial waters in the Black Sea. Host Faran Fronczak sits down with former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and RT’s own Nebojsa Malic to discuss the latest details. (4:31) Thousands of starving migrants remain camped out at the border between Poland and Belarus, desperately awaiting a chance to enter the European Union. Meanwhile, questions remain on how migrants even arrive at the European borders to begin with. RT’s Maria Finoshina sat down with one human trafficker in Bosnia who tells the gritty details. (10:45) Newly elected mayor of Miami Francis
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