Russian composers of the first half of the 19th century

Stepan Davydov 0:00 Overture to ballet The Crowned Goodness 5:28 Aria of Ostan from opera Lesta, a Mermaid of the Dnepr Catterino Cavos (Catarino Camillo Cavos) 9:07 Overture to opera Ivan Susanin 20:35 Patriotic song from opera Ivan Susanin Stepan Degtyarev 24:45 Overture to oratorio Minin and Pozharsky - or the Liberation of Moscow 32:24 Act 3 (The beginning), 20 scene, Glory to Minin and Pozharsky! Oratorio Minin and Pozharsky - or the Liberation of Moscow 34:10 Act 3 (The beginning), 18 scene, The int
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