Vadim Kurylev - Hasta Siempre! (+lyrics&translation)

A great rock version of the classic song by Vadim Kurylev, from his album ЭКВИЛИБРИУМ (Equilibrium), released in 2003. HASTA SIEMPRE *********** UNTIL ALWAYS Aprendimos a quererte *********** We learned to love you Desde la historica altura *********** From the heights of history Donde el sol de tu bravura *********** With the Sun of your bravery Le puso cerco a la muerte *********** You laid siege to Death Chorus: Aqui se queda la clara *********** Here lies the clear, La entraniable transparencia *********** the dear transparency De tu querida presencia *********** of your beloved presence, Comandante Che Gevara *********** Commander Che Guevara Tu mano glorioso y fuerte *********** Your glorious and strong hand Sobre la historia dispara *********** Fires at history Cuando todo Santa
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