Edinburgh Honours Royal Couple (1949)

Full title reads: “Edinburgh Honours Royal Couple“. Edinburgh, Scotland. LV elevated GV of platform, Dean of the Faculty of Law reading address at McEwan Hall. SV Lord Provost Sir Andrew Murray, Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and the Chancellor of the University listening to Dean’s address. MV dais Dean still reading address “I ask you to confer ... Doctor of Laws’, Chancellor, Princess and Dignitaries rise and the Chancellor performs ceremony. SV Chancellor Marquis of Linlithgow. LV elevated GV dais. Princess walk forward to speak.: “We have been born in times when great institutions have crumbled, age old traditions have been called into question and science produced horrors to keep peace with its marvels. If we hope to see our children grown up in tolerable conditions and if peace and prosperity are to drive out the spectres of war and want, we must rely very largely on the services of those who have had the advantages of an education as yours.“
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