полный фильм: Деяния Апостолов | Святой Дух работает с апостолами после воскресения Иисуса | Russian
The Gospel of John, the Gospel of Matthew, the gospel of Luke, Acts of the Apostles - Audio in many languages (and Subtitles in more than 2400 languages): ,
Жизнь Иисуса | Russian | Official Full HD Movie | Евангелие от Иоанна (Gospel of John):
Жизнь Иисуса Христа | ОТ МАТФЕЯ | полный фильм | Аудио и субтитры | Русский-Russian Matthew’s gospel:
полный фильм: ОТ ЛУКИ СВЯТОЕ БЛАГОВЕСТВОВАНИЕ | Жизнь, учение, смерть и воскресение Иисуса | Russian:
Читайте Библию:
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Евангелие от Луки фильм FHD Gospel of Luke Bible Series:
Евангелие от Луки | LUMO Project:
Что происходит после смерти? Иисус много раз учит на эту тему. Он хочет спасти нас от суда. ЛУКИ 16:
полный фильм: ОТ ЛУКИ СВЯТОЕ БЛАГОВЕСТВОВАНИЕ | Жизнь, учение, смерть и воскресение Иисуса | Russian:
Христианские фильмы | Russian Christian movies ( also Russian subtitles) playlist:
Acts of Apostles - Audio in many languages | Audio and subtitles:
00:00 - Chapter 01 Jesus ascends to heaven after the resurrection
05:14 - Chapter 02 The Holy Spirit descends on 120 disciples - Peter’s first preaching
13:20 - Chapter 03 The Holy Spirit begins to work with the disciples
18:00 - Chapter 04 Arrest of Peter and John
23:10 - Chapter 05 Numerous miracles in Jerusalem
31:54 - Chapter 06 Institution of deacons - Stephen is arrested
34:36 - Chapter 07 Stephen’s Speech - Stephen is Killed
44:44 - Chapter 08 Persecution of the church - Philip in Samaria
51:34 - Chapter 09 The Conversion of Saul
59:58 - Chapter 10 The Gospel Announced to the Pagans: Cornelius
1:06:51 - Chapter 11 Peter:“This is why I baptized the pagans“
1:12:03 - Chapter 12 Herod Agrippa Kills James. Peter Escapes Prison
1:18:07 - Chapter 13 First missionary journey
1:26:56 - Chapter 14 Paul stoned at Lystra
1:34:26 - Chapter 15 The Jerusalem Conference
1:40:38 - Chapter 16 The Holy Spirit Leads Paul to Macedonia
1:49:56 - Chapter 17 Paul in Thessalonica, Berea and Athens
1:56:17 - Chapter 18 Paul in Corinth and Antioch
2:01:20 - Chapter 19 Paul in Ephesus
2:09:25 - Chapter 20 Paul: in Macedonia and Greece. Speech to the Elders of Ephesus
2:17:30 - Chapter 21 Paul: in Tyre and Caesarea. Arrested in Jerusalem
2:24:38 - Chapter 22 Paul’s speech to the Jews
2:30:40 - Chapter 23 Paul’s speech to the Sanhedrin. Conspiracy against Paul
2:36:32 - Chapter 24 Paul accused before Governor Felix
2:41:08 - Chapter 25 Paul before Festus the new governor
2:46:19 - Chapter 26 Paul’s Defense Before King Agrippa
2:52:15 - Chapter 27 Paul sent to Rome - The shipwreck
2:59:42 - Chapter 28 Paul in Malta, and in Rome
The Gospel of John in English :
Acts of the Apostles in English:
The Gospel According to Matthew:
Acts of apostles:
A and B:
C and D:
E to H:
I -J- K:
L - M :
N -O- P:
Q -R -S:
T - U :
Playlist - -Official movies: ,
Other subtitles: The gospel of John :
1: A :
2: B :
3: C :
4: D - E - F:
5: G - H:
6: J :
7: K :
8: L :
9: M:
10: N :
11: O - P - Q - R :
12: S :
13: T :
14: U - V - W - Y - Z:
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1 week ago 00:45:41 1
Проведите ревизию своих знаний
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Инфаркт микарда. Любовь и голуби.
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