Singapore Special - David Marshal Returns (1955)

London Airport. CU. Mr David Marshall, Chief Mister of Singapore, entering Conference Hall and sitting down at table. CU. Interviewer speaking to Mr Marshall (natural sound). Interviewer: “Welcome to London on this very cold night. You are going to have talks with the Secretary of State for the Colonies and others here in London on the constitutional future of Singapore. What are your own aims and hopes of these London talks?“ CU. Mr Marshall talking (natural sound) (2 shots): “We all understand the same by independence, but these talks are merely primarily in fixing an agenda for the constitutional conference next spring. To seek not independence, but complete internal self government, as defined by all parties in Singapore, it means a fully elected legislature without any of the Governor’s nominees without any officials who are in control of the entire machinery of government with the exception of external defence and foreign affairs...“ Couple of shots of the pressmen listening to Mr Marshall during h
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