International Court Discuss Persian Crisis (1951)

The Hague, Holland INTERNATIONAL COURT DISCUSS PERSIAN CRISIS (The Oil Crisis) LS. GVS The Peace Palace. MS. Persian Minister to the Hague leaving. MS. British delegation entering court. LS. GV. Judges entering courtroom. MS. Judges seating, Professor Basdevant, President of the International Court, declaring the session opened. (speaks in French). LS. The wigged delegations seated in courtroom. CU. Delegate, MS. Anglo-Iranian representatives discussing. LS. UK Ambassador to the Hague, Sir Philip Nichols. LS. The empty chairs and tables of the Iranian delegation. LS. Sir Frank Soskice mounting stand. MS. CU. Sir Frank Soskice speaking:- (natural sound) ’I need not labour the point that the request for interim measures which we have made is indeed of the greatest urgency. The present actions and the threats of the Iranian Government are such that if they continue they may render in impossible to execute a judgement in favour of the United Kingdom. LS. The scene in courtroom. MS. American Newspap
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