⚡️12 колен Израиля⚡️“О времени.!“ Пастырь Андрей Филиппов

Служение г. (с английскими субтитрами) About the time yes, it seems to me that he is already on his way where to start without saying that .. in general... considering that time, let’s say it flows in its own specific flow and we with our events.. that is, why did God talk about sin that sin is bad sin slows down time and people thus remain in time longer than they should have stayed because sin forces you to go to a new, let’s say, rebirth cycle or a new cycle.. just some kind of life cycle This is what we produce here on Earth people in general in the general mass, that is, we c...hange time due to the events that we create and thus it turns out that... sometimes it speeds up, sometimes it slows down... sometimes it’s faster, sometimes it’s slower... Sometimes it generally seems to stand still and God gives the opportunity to do something to produce some things here in this physical material world therefore there is a plan that, let’s say that was developed by various entities which are worshiped by various higher-ranking rulers some superiors, and so on this plan changes with a certain periodicity because awakenings are occurring on Earth awakenings of God’s people who violate these plans who change something and on the one hand one could accept that the Antichrist would have come sooner and that’s all.. but that’s not how it works.. if the bride is not in power the antichrist will simply rule undivided and the believers, let’s say God’s people, God’s children , enlightened they will not rise and they will not be able to do anything because if everything will be blocked, it will be impossible the time that exists it reaches its certain peak before the next awakening then this awakening happens.. it happens.. some kind of explosion occurs in the spiritual and physical world some kind of breakthrough of the matrix new revelations come to people new awareness of God comes new level of God and then it all goes on that is, again we have to make up for everything anew because every awakening it is suppressed by these creatures let’s say, demons or whatever you can call them that is they oppose the awakening and not only of the Christian plan that is, without, let’s say, religious overtones .. I mean a global awakening in which all people participate in which humanity is involved.. not just that something flared up somewhere someone there accepted Christ and that’s it and here it is .. awakening a level where humanity reaches a new level of consciousness and this is a new awareness of God a new perception of God, and so on.. that is, these are new moments immersion in God new depth and His new essence in the understanding of His universe therefore, if we talk about time then time is cyclical for the reason that people loop it and so it could be linear non-linear, this and that, in general, all sorts of different things, and so on so what we now have at the moment is the result of, let’s say, those events that were released by different people. well, in short and to summarize everything that I said here something that is happening plans that are being developed by some states some rulers, the Vatican also these plans are periodically violated something comes true something doesn’t and sometimes God shows in prophetic visions what these superiors have planned sometimes God shows what is going to happen in order to ruin the plans of these higher-ups so the issues of any military conflicts are also twofold questions the issues of relocating someone somewhere are also twofold because if we look at it solely from the point of view of human understanding that is, our soul.. well, this is bad, this is not good people’s destinies are ruined there, and so on but someone gets a blessing through this and the balance arises balancing takes place balancing of this state, so to speak balancing of a state or states balancing of souls here in this space in which we are so, well, something like this.. thank you
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