Ave Maria - Hitman: Blood Money + mp3

MP3 (NEW) - Ave Maria from Hitman: Blood Money menu and level “Requiem“. Unfortunately, Eidos didn’t put this song to official game soundtrack. Ellens dritter Gesang composed by Franz Schubert and performed by Daniel Perret (Zürcher Sängerknaben (Zurich Boys Choir)) in 1995. Lyrics (Original German): Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild, Erhöre deiner Kinder Flehen, im Tal der Tränen sei uns Schild lass mein Gebet zu dir hinwehen. Wir schlafen sicher bis zum Morgen, dein Sternenmantel deckt uns zu. O Jungfrau, siehe unsere Sorgen, O schenke unsern Herzen Ruh! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Reine Magd! Wir wollen gläubig dir vertrauen du süsse Jungfrau, unverzagt voll Hoffnung zu dir aufwärts schauen, und still uns Gottes Willen beugen, da uns dein heilger Trost anweht. O Jungfrau, wolle hold dich neigen dem Kind, das bittend zu dir fleht. Ave Maria! Lyrics (Direct English translation): Ave Maria! Maiden mild, Heed your children’s prayers, In the valley of tears, be our shield Let my prayer waft to you. We sleep safely until morning, Your cloak of stars covers us. O Maiden, see our worries, O give peace to our hearts! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Pure maidservant! We want to trust in you faithfully You, sweet maiden, undaunted Full of hope, to you gaze upward, And calmly bend God’s Will to us, That your holy solace may drift to us. O Maiden, full of grace, tend to us The child, that suppliantly entreats you. Ave Maria! Maria/;13850332;/ - mp3 file (old).
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