GHOST Part 1 | Animation Meme

Original Song: Confetti - Ghost Stream: Make Your Own Meme: EDIT: Whoops I forgot to mention that this competition is hosted by @sir fluff and @CloudKid their stuff is awesome go check them out~ Please watch in 1080p quality for erm... the best experience--- Thought I try making a roughly 3 minute animation meme since I’ve never done it before thinking to myself ’haha, how hard could that be?’ It was. Hard. Mainly due to the time limit. I have never questioned what anatomy was so much before. Don’t mind all the weird perspectives and anatomy especiallythehands wheEZES Managed to squeeze this out in roughly 2 weeks, definitely didn’t leave it all to the last minute and stay up till 5am to finish this on the day it’s due, no- couldn’t be me. Had a lot of fun though! I learned to do some very simple typography animation and this was a good chance to test that o
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