Concerto per la Solennità di San Lorenzo Del Vivaldi / RV 556 in C major (Autograph score)
For two solo violins, two recorders, two oboes, two clarinets, bassoon, strings and basso continuo
I. Largo — Allegro molto (0:00)
II. Largo e cantabile (5:01)
III. — (8:05)
Composed: unknown date
Turin source: Giordano 34
Related: mvt 2 = mvt 2
The instrumentation for the slow movement, set on two staves, appears to have been at first:
- Violino Solo
- Clarini soli /Arpeggio con il Leuto
Below this was added afterwards regarding the bass:
Un Violoncello / Un Violino piz / zicato / Tutti il Basso
And also this indication over the second staff:
Violoncello Solo
In this version by Alessandrini the bass part is played by the clarinet(s?) only. It is curious that whereas Vivaldi for once specifies the lute, no lute is used. A recommended version is that of Andrew Parrott and his Taverner Players which has the fuller instrumentation in the largo.
Concerto Italiano, ‘Stabat Mater’
Rinaldo Alessandrini, direzione
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